Mason Dworak
The Ramona Art Suite will begin on March 18th to the 22nd, on these dates students will be able to attend different ELT periods in Mrs. Shaude’s room and have the opportunity to create different art pieces for this year's cultural theme. This theme includes pieces from South America, Germany, Pacific Islands, and Mexico. Students not interested in the painting/drawing aspects of the Art Suite will also have the opportunity to attend dance lessons in Mrs. Cameron’s room and be able to learn the dances from the different cultures listed above. Mrs. Shaude is hoping that this event will get students interested in the different diverse artworks/dances that these cultures have to offer and to see what types of creative works students come up with.
So if you or a friend are interested in creating and learning about different art pieces from around the world I suggest you attend Mrs. Shaude’s ELT periods on March 18th to share some of your diverse creative works with Ramona High School.