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Class of 2026 Options

Henry Pepich


Class selection is here, and junior students have a ton of options for classes they can take senior year. To help you narrow down your options, we went and talked to some of the teachers to see what they have to say to students interested in taking their class. 


    AP Literature and Composition

Mrs. Del Castillo told us, “If you like books and you like poetry, come out and take the class, it's a great group of people and we have a lot of good discussions.” 

Film and Literature

Mr. Swafford said this about the popular english class new to Ramona High in the past few years, Film and Lit, “Be prepared to watch films and watch them in a way you've never watched them before, because that's the goal of the the class. There's a lot of writing, a lot of projects, and we try to do a movie every month at least. You're watching these movies and you have to think about it in terms of analyzing a text, just doing it visually instead of writing.


    AP Calculus

When we spoke to Mr. Newell he told us this about Calculus, “Get ready for an experience, a journey through the minefields of integrals and derivatives and limits. It's a lot of hard work, but you'll find some satisfaction and some gratification at the end of your journey.

AP Statistics

Mr. Ballesteros said, “If you are interested in knowing how data works, how the numbers work in data, and how to interpret and see the bigger picture of the information you're given, you should take stats.

Financial Algebra

Mr Crotty went in depth on Financial Algebra, saying, “[In financial algebra], you're doing math, but applying it to real world situations, like buying a house, paying off credit cards, or student loans. You're using a lot of the concepts from math one, math two, and math three, but it's not just the equations. It's all word problems, you have to pull out the information, try to set up the right equation, and do stuff like figure out how long it's gonna take to pay off a loan or how much can I afford for a house?  You're basically doing math for all of the important financial decisions that you're going to make in life.

Social Studies

    AP US Government and Politics

For our first civics option Mr. Traverso told us this about Gov, “Get ready to work hard, but the effort is worth the reward in the end. You're gonna learn a lot about how our political system works, and hopefully you’ll gain a better understanding of politics in general.”

AP Macroeconomics

Mr. Grizzle had this to say about his civics class, Econ, “If you're good at math, it's gonna be a super easy class and if you're willing to work hard, it's gonna be a really good entry level AP for you to kind of see what college is like before you go. Just put the hard work in and you should have good time in the class.”


Civics and Econ is a combination of both AP Gov and AP Econ. One semester is spent studying how the US government works, and the other is spent learning about economics. This is a good option for students who are interested in both topics, and want to be able to learn about them without the rigor of an AP class.

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