Henry Pepich
On August 23rd, the Boys Water Polo team played against former Bulldogs from over the years in their alumni game. It was an exciting match, with the alumni trailing for the first three quarters, but making a comeback in the fourth quarter to tie the game at 8-8, and taking it to golden goal overtime for a 9-8 win for the alumni team. Afterwards, the alumni and current team gathered together to recognize their coach, Donnie Williams, who has been coaching the team for over 20 years. Once the team festivities were over, we interviewed some of the former players to hear a little about their waterpolo careers and what it was like to be back playing at their old school.
First, we talked to former Set, Drake Fall from the class of 22’, who’s love for the sport and his old team has even led him back to Ramona to help coach the JV Bulldogs. When asked about why he decided to start playing water polo, he said, “I first found out about it through my swim team. Coach Donnie coached the summer league for 3 seasons before I started high school and I really enjoyed playing with some of the other swim guys.”
We also talked to the class of 22’ guard, Casey Schwettman, who won Valley League Boys Player of the Year his senior season. He spoke about what it was like to see his old team mates and reconnect, “It was really great to see everybody again. I’m seeing people from all four years of my high school career, and it’s super great to talk to them and reminisce about our time in the pool.”
After hearing from some of the more recent alumni, we wanted to talk to the older graduates about coming back to their old school and playing water polo again.
Former team captain Cody Bailey, brother to the current captain Brady Bailey, talked about what it was like to see his old teammates, and to be able to play against his brother. “I’ve seen so many people I haven’t seen in such a long time it’s great. And I always love to see Brady play and see how he’s grown as a player. I still beat him though!” We also talked to him about what he’s been doing since graduating from Ramona and where he’s at now. He told us, “I’ve been studying abroad, but now that I’m back in California I'm starting my career in Forest Firefighting. I really love it.”
We also interviewed Alan Williams, son of Coach Donnie Williams. Alan’s love for the game has continued past high school and he has followed in his fathers footsteps, coaching for the La Jolla Shores water polo club. When asked what it was like to be back playing at his Alma Mater he said, “It’s a strange feeling being back in this pool after so long. I come back to help my dad coach sometimes, but playing in it brought back a lot of old memories”
This has been a memorable season for this year's seniors, and we wanted to hear about their favorite memories they made along the way.
Finally, we talked to the person behind it all, Coach Donnie Williams. He has been coaching the team for over 20 years, and has led them to multiple CIF championships. We asked him what made him want to coach this team. He told us, “I felt like there wasn’t a lot of experience out there in water polo, especially in Ramona, and I wanted to give back to the sport I love. A lot of people don’t even really know about water polo before starting high school, being able to teach the sport to new people is great.”
The boys water polo alumni game brought back lots of old memories for coaches and players, We saw the skills and determination that once led these teams to victory. Seeing the alumni play not only