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Boys Water Polo Senior Night

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Henry Pepich

November 2, 2023

On October 24th, the Boys Water Polo team played their senior night match against the Oceanside Pirates. The game was neck and neck, but in the 4th quarter the visiting Pirates managed to win the match with a final score of 13-16. After the game, the team recognized Justin Setterberg, Logan Werner, and Jordan Isham for their hard work and dedication throughout this season and the rest of their highschool water polo careers. After the celebration, we interviewed the Seniors to find out a little more about their love for water polo.

When asked what his favorite thing about the Ramona water polo program is, Justin Setterberg, Team Captain and Guard, responded with “[Being able to] play with my teammates and friends is definitely my favorite part of the program.”

We also talked to Left Wing Logan Werner and asked him how he felt water polo had positively affected his life. “[It has] really helped to keep me active.”

All of this year's water polo Seniors are planning on pursuing higher education after high school, and we wanted to find out a little more about their plans.

Right Wing Jordan Isham, who is a newer addition to the team this season, but has helped to secure victories against many difficult opponents, said “[I’m] gonna go to Grossmont Community College.” When we asked him what he wanted to do once he graduated, he also said “I wanna keep swimming at Grossmont, I’m really looking forward to it”

We talked to Justin Setterberg one last time and asked for what he had planned after high school. “I’m not sure where I want to go to school, but I want to study podiatry. I also want to swim in college, and if I have the chance I’d love to continue to play water polo.”

All of the boys water polo seniors have shown a lot of grit and tenacity throughout the season, and we wish them luck in their future endeavors. The team all agreed that this year's seniors would be missed a lot, and that they were all thankful for the impact they had on them.



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