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Behind the Scenes of Yearbook

Updated: Apr 23, 2024

Hannah Cole


Yearbooks are often valued for their memories of the high school experience with pictures to look back on. Yearbooks for the 2023-2034 year will be ready for students to pick up in the last week of May, right before the school year ends. These yearbooks are available to order for $110 here.  The yearbook class has been working very hard to meet their upcoming deadline for the yearbook submission on March 25th to have the books ready for students by the time school ends.

Ms. McDonald, a teacher, and advisor of the yearbook class, feels that the yearbook production has continued to grow and improve throughout the years since she's joined the yearbook community she says, “We really make an effort to get as many people in the yearbook at least 3 times…if they haven’t we try to call them in and do interviews and special features if they haven't been featured in the yearbook.” She also added “Each year we try to do something new so this year we added having someone from each sports team proof their spreads before we submit.” With all the students involved in the yearbook as much as possible, a yearbook seems to be a worthwhile purchase. 

“...seeing everybody else get the yearbook together made me become more interested in being an editor my sophomore year. Just seeing the previous leaders of the yearbook, they inspired me,” says Lily Memmel, the editor-in-chief of the yearbook. The yearbook class helps to put together the yearbook with a sum of six editors and eleven writers working on it. Each of the yearbook staff members gets to work on at least ten pages in the yearbook. Each of the staff members is assigned pages that have topics ranging from an academic page with information about an academic subject to multiple sports pages that picture sporting events. The staff also works on a page about student life which includes events like homecoming and pep rallies. The pages put together by staff members of the yearbooks are then given to the editors who carefully look over and revise the works of their peers or they can also contribute to the spread. 

Lily Memmel, the editor-in-chief of the yearbook class, begins her work before the year even starts by attending a yearbook camp hosted by the company that makes the books, Jostens, “We get all the templates made during the summer at a yearbook camp held by Jostens, where we create the cover and the templates for all the pages. And then from there the first week of school, we have people working on it all the way till mid-March.” 

  For Jostens,  Memmel now does promotions and partners with them for campaigns which has proven to be a great opportunity for her as well as working on the yearbook team for the past three years. She says, “I want to become a camera operator for movies and television so learning all the photography skills that apply to filmmaking skills really will help me to achieve that.”



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